Thursday, 5 July 2007

Artist Lynnmarie Szpak

My work is concerned with examining/extracting moments of my own life that has shaped my identity, i use them to create personal highlights of my experiences, i have always been fascinated with the question of our purpose and meaning as humans. I am interested in what shapes our identity and our personality which includes aspects of what has made me who iam, from my upbringing in the ardler multis in dundee to my current situation. These are the fundamental ideas behind my work, it is these questions that have lead me to where i am at the present. By examining my own existence and scrutinising over my past and my route into this world objectively i hoping to gain more of an insight into burning question that ever himan must wonder about what is the purpose of human life.

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Artist Eleanor Gilpatrick

I believe that my work is telling about the visual wonders the eye can see despite the chaos, corruption, distortion, and ugliness we confront in every-day life. I consider myself a colorist with a strong sense of composition and a unique point of view. I rely on color theory and my own instincts to tell me what to do. I remain a representational painter because I am infatuated with how things look to me. While my subjects cover a wide spectrum of images, the paintings are unified by my eye, as beholder: a unique fragment of reality or the viewer's stance I choose. My landscapes reflect where I have been and what excites me. My people are intent on living their lives, unaware of the viewer. There is movement, intensity, energy, and an edge that is my personal "take."

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