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Monday, 18 June 2007
Artist Christine Winquist
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Thursday, 14 June 2007
Photographer Michael Tarn
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Artist Peter Mock
Painting and drawing are my primary concern. As I see it, jointly they are the most expressive of the visual arts when the artist gets it right and the work has distinctive content.
The physical nature of paint even if used flatly has a quality that is unique and imparts something that can only be experienced in real life with the painting. i.e. something is missing, lost or disengaged with reproductions.
Recognising both this unique physical quality and the distinctive content a painting can have give artists a way forward and a future for painting.
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Artist Marcela Escobar
I was not into art growing up, I would just draw during school to get through the day. I started to have problems with social anxiety during highschool which resulted in me dropping out when I was 16. My anxiety went untreated causing me to become house bound for 3 years. But it was during those 3 years that art entered my life.
I am self taught and like to experiment with different materials. My favorite artists are Remedios Varo and Francis Bacon.
I'm inspired by.....many things....sometimes it's boredom, sometimes it's love, sometimes it's music or nothing at all.
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Thursday, 7 June 2007
Photographer Katy Giles
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Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Artist John Naccarato
It is with this most elemental philosophy that I approach my work. Art is essentially a portrait of ourselves. The portrait may exist in the diffused pastels of a landscape, the quick awkward paint stroke of a figurative, or the damning silence of a still life.
the Monologues Series: 2007
The Monologue series was an exploration into how the interaction of space/time affects our ability to interpret the content and context of a work. Monologues was presented through three different mediums. (1) as printed media, (2) as an interactive internet based presentation on video, and (3) as a video based presentation.
The Monologue Series was first presented as part of a student group exhibit with Shereen Solimon , Emily Rose Michaud and myself at the Sharon Ramsey Gallery, Belgo Building March 8-12, 2007. As a print series, Monologues explored the singular and multiple relationship of the images. There were 27 individual works displayed in random order across the gallery wall. As a web-based interactive work, Monologues was directly connected to the Net, where visitors could interact with the work. As a video work, “Monologues: a meditation in 3 movements: was presented through a TV monitor.
'air '- readyMade installation Series: 2007
... about reclaiming the environmental landscape… searching for beauty in the industrial remnants that litter our horizons. About our perceptions and the understanding of the space that surrounds us, and that which we inhibit. About inter-conections. About looking up. About social and personal space. About our relationship to the industrial past and the digital future.
outSide the Box Series: 2006
My concerns grow each day as to how things are framed and presented, socially, politically, and personally.
With the advent of digital technology - from the instamatic Kodak moment to the youTube constructs - we are in constant flux, recording and viewing the reality around us in the moment - unaware to a great extent of its effects on our views and understanding. This phenomena is unlike any previous form of communication - which once offered time lags to allow for refection and integration.
This may not necessarily be a good or bad thing - just something which seems to have inherent within it, many a implication which we have not yet come to fully understand. How does one move outside the boxed effects of TV, computer screens and digital technology or from the instant social digital networking effects of cell phones, ipods and the internet? How does this all play out in relationship to our physical reality - from a 2D to a 3D illusionary construct? How does it frame our psychological, emotional and spiritual worldviews?
In this series, I began to explore seemingly random areas of pavement during my walks. Within this supposed randomness, I began to notice that a story – an event - was or had taken place - referenced by the imprints and articles left behind. More importantly, the story was still in progress.
These stories seemed to offer up a 3rd, 4th and perhaps even, a 5th reference point outside the box. They seem to capture a moment that is still in transition, allowing for the viewer to contemplate their outcome.
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Artist Ellen Gardner
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Artist Marek Wojdylo
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Artist Anna Orliac
Her understanding of hopes and inner-conflicts concerning the body and our relation to nature was enlightened by anthropological essays about primitive myths, hence the importance of subconscious symbols. Overall her work describes the tough struggle of being human but also celebrates life and the amazing natural world. Her main techniques are drawing, painting, photography and textile sculpture, and often combined. Anna has studied for 3 years at Pau school of Art( South West France) and for 2 years at Aix-en-Provence school of Art (South East France).
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Digital Artist Domen Lomberga
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Artist Cecil Herring
Memorial Health University Medical Center Heart and Vascular Institute, Savannah, GA 10 paintings
Orlando Modern Art Collection,
First Lady Betty Ford collection, Ford Museum, Grand Rapids, MI
Kodak National Innovator Awards Collection, Rochester, N.Y.
Lane Bryant, Florida
Titusville City Hall, Titusville, FL
Saint Charles Cathedral, 7 bronze altar pieces
University of Florida Medical Center Library, Gainesville, Welded Steel Sculpture, Gainesville Dental Society commission
First Presbyterian Church of Orlando
Americatel Corp., Miami, prints, Corporate Office, commission
Phase 2 Publishing, Los Angeles,
Ikon Corp., Orlando, Corporate
United Way of Central Florida, Orlando, Lobby Mural
United Way of Central Florida, Lobby Plaque and portraits,commission
Paulucci Enterprises, Sanford, FL Sculpture
ReMax Realty, Indialantic, FL Watercolors
Goldfield Corp, Melbourne, Bronze Wall Hanging, commission
6 x 12 foot bronze and copper wall sculpture, Dr. Duane Seig, Indialantic, FL
Crealde Sculpture Garden, Winter Park, FL 7' "Man with 3 Arms,"bronze sculpture
Private collectors include Dr. Harold Reinhartz, Dr. and Mrs. David Rosner, Dr. and Mrs. Pat Unger, Mr. and Mrs. Denny Braatz, Mr. and Mrs. John Shultheis, Dr. Michael Branton, Dr. and Mrs. Steven Goll, Terry Hummel, Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks, Col. and Mrs. Chuck Berry
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Artist Melissa Fiorentino
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Artist Simon Smith
east – west artists culture club Group exhibition, Light Gallery, London 5 – 10 December 2006
liberte d’expression Barclays Global Headquarters, Canary Wharf, London 2 – 8 November 2006
Candid Arts Trust, Islington 9 – 12 November 2006
suffolk showcase Bury St Edmunds Art Gallery 8 July – 5 August 2006
FAB ART 05 Stanley Picker Gallery Kingston University 25 Nov - 2 December 2005
'the scent of magnolia’ The Wall Gallery Ely Cambridgeshire 30 October – 24 November 2005
solo show
a fine line Euroart Gallery, Tottenham, London 9 - 20 November 2004
on the wall Olympia Grand Hall, London 29 September - 3 October 2004
'approaching silence' The Wall Gallery Ely Cambridgeshire 1 - 27 February 2004
solo show
FAB ART 03 Stanley Picker Gallery Kingston University 28 Nov - 5 December 2003
silver prize winner
Eastern Open 2003 King's Lynn March - May 2003
Eastern Open 2002 King's Lynn March - May 2002
Visual Haiku Peterborough Art House 8 June - 7 July 2001
Eastern Open 2001 King's Lynn March - May 2001
Kettle's Yard Open Cambridge 1 - 30 July 2000
Eastern Open 2000 King's Lynn March - May 2000
Cheltenham Open Drawing 1999
Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education
Hogeschool Sint-Lukas Brussels
Karl Hofer Gallery, Berlin
European Illustration Collection, Humberside University
Eastern Open 1999 King's Lynn March - May 1999
Drawings for All '96 Gainsborough's House, Sudbury
Stamford Arts Centre; Chelmsford Art Gallery; King of Hearts, Norwich; De Montfort University, Lincoln
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Artist Frances Kiernan
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Artist Jane Kellahan
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Artist Jan Karpisek
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Artist Eldi Dundee
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Artist Andrei Rabodzeenko
The world we live in today, with all its technology and megalopolises, makes us assume that humanity has entered a completely new stage of development. In many cases it's true. But I would like to focus more on the task of unveiling and understanding those aspects of our being where we aren't so different from people that lived centuries before and from those that might come after us. I started thinking of innovation in art. I realized that my innovation shouldn't reach the point where I began speaking a language that nobody understands -- or that people are forced to pretend that they understand. Thinking of art today, viewers seem to be floating in a confusing vacuum between a language we have lost and one we have not yet gained. I also realized that I can't jump out of my contemporary skin; I'm contemporary no matter what I do. So much of my energy was wasted on the simple act of staying contemporary, and why is it so important to my viewers? Is that the core question? I decided to try to make art that is more relevant to other people; my perception will be embedded in it anyway.
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Artist Rhiannon Archard
I take on a very direct, physical approach to painting. I often use my hands instead of brushes and move freely around the canvas. My paintings are always done spontaneously; I guide and encourage the paints to interact with each other naturally. They often have sculptural quality with the addition of found objects, or natural materials mixed in with the paint; or painting on a prepared ground of plaster. These textual, sculptural paintings are reminiscent of the work of Anslem Kiefer, with the spontaneity and physicality of Jackson Pollock. I combine this with my own experience and personality to produce a unique result.
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Artist Ellen Groth Reddie
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Artist Galina Lukshina
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Artist Julia Everett
Julia was recently short listed for the Barclays Bank Liberte d'Expression painting prize at their global headquarters in Canary Wharf. Julia’s paintings are expressive colourful abstracts with an organic landscape feel. They are concerned with the personal reflective aspects of natural beauty as realised in water, landscape, light and pure colour. Each painting is an emotional response to a sensory experience and an attempt to evoke a fleeting visual reference to something that is essentially ethereal.
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Illustrator Yulia Brodskaya
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Artist Ryosuke Kondoh
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Artist Sophie Eggleton
For my degree exhibition I am installing 18 monitors displaying videos of various machinery/technology including medical machines, home appliances, fairgrounds, cars , planes and much more. Together they should create a polyphony of beeps, knocks, ticks, humms with images flashing, snanning, contorting enaggaing all the senses. The viewer will be overwhelmed by the chaotic and hectic environment symbolising how modern life can seem but also be reminded of their reliance on all the featured inventions. For people interested in purchasing any pieces of art, images were uploaded in the gaps between my degree work so some of the price information should be checked with me before order placed, If wishing for image in greater size the price will in most cases increase.Much of the work is at my home in surrey which I will have access to post degree in July.
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