Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Artist Sophie Eggleton

I am currently in my final few weeks of my fine art degree st Southampton Solent University. I have been making work which has looked at the concept of the cyborg and evolved into considoring how technology/machine affects us as humans in modern life and the future.
For my degree exhibition I am installing 18 monitors displaying videos of various machinery/technology including medical machines, home appliances, fairgrounds, cars , planes and much more. Together they should create a polyphony of beeps, knocks, ticks, humms with images flashing, snanning, contorting enaggaing all the senses. The viewer will be overwhelmed by the chaotic and hectic environment symbolising how modern life can seem but also be reminded of their reliance on all the featured inventions.
For people interested in purchasing any pieces of art, images were uploaded in the gaps between my degree work so some of the price information should be checked with me before order placed, If wishing for image in greater size the price will in most cases increase.Much of the work is at my home in surrey which I will have access to post degree in July.

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